
Inspiring change.

Creating Communities' Donna Shepherd AM and Jessica Barker, alongside Karlka Nyiyaparli chairperson Keith Hall, shared the award-winning East Newman Precinct Plan at the 2024 PIA State Conference, setting a new standard for planning with First Nations communities....
Creating Communities is turning this vision into reality with SocialQue, a revolutionary AI-powered social research product designed to transform how we understand and invest in community....
Creating Communities receives National Planning Award alongside Traditional Owners for East Newman Precinct Structure Plan...
It was with great excitement that Creating Communities recently released the co-created Community Plans—part of our ongoing work with the Yarnangu from across the desert communities of the Ngaanyatjarra lands. ...
Creating Communities Australia has celebrated a significant milestone in our ongoing work in the Eastern Pilbara with the approval of the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan by the Western Australian Planning Commission....
Creating Communities collaborates with Ngaanyatjarra Lands' communities to develop unique plans, identifying opportunities for economic, social, and cultural growth, enhancing their connection to the land....
Creating Communities is proud to share that the First Nations proponents of the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan have been recognised at the Planning Institute of Australia’s state awards for their exemplary co-design methods to create better outcomes for the East Newman community. ...
Creating Communities is leading the way in improving the FIFO village experience, using world first technology. ...
Creating Communities has proudly worked with both Chevron Australia and Onslow School to enhance their social impact and identifying opportunities for the partnership to continue its support of students in Onslow. ...
As the curtains are drawn on a year that saw a mixture of retreat and re-emergence across the globe, we checked in with some of the leaders at Creating Community to unearth their year’s highlights?...