Creating Communities launches FIFO Insider™

Creating Communities is leading the way in improving the FIFO village experience, using world first technology.

Creating Communities launches FIFO Insider™

For the best part of the last two decades, we’ve been working alongside Australia’s biggest resources companies to transform Fly-in, Fly-out accommodation from camps that feel world’s away from home to villages that feel like thriving communities.

It would be hard to find someone who hasn’t got friends or family working FIFO in Australia. Whether they do it to support their family, or they are a young person trying to set themselves up for the future, FIFO workers are not only important people to those in their lives, but they are significant contributors to the economy.

With many workers spending at least half their year away from home on-site, it is important that accommodation villages, which often house populations akin to a medium-sized country town, foster a sense of community and have the right amenities and facilities.

The reality is that the FIFO village experience is often a lottery depending on who you are working for and which site you’re working on. Some sites do a really good job in making sure residents have access to good quality, clean rooms and shared spaces; a variety of delicious, healthy and fresh food choices; and a variety of recreation facilities and programs.

However, we also know some sites are far from acceptable.  

Better conditions in FIFO villages improve health and wellbeing, residents are happier, more productive and less likely to burn out and leave.

It’s always been Creating Communities vision that Australian FIFO villages be the best in the world. We are committed to helping companies and their village contractors improve the village experience.

That is why we are proud to launch FIFO Insider™ and the first FIFO Village/Camp Survey, to help us understand the FIFO village experience.

Creating Communities has built and trained its own proprietary generative AI to safely process large amounts of data to gain deep insights into social fabric and the nature of community.

In a world first, this social experience measurement technology will be used to create a baseline of the FIFO village experience.

FIFO Insider™ will be the go to place for information on the FIFO village experience and for those working in the industry to connect, while our FIFO survey gives you the opportunity to describe your experience in FIFO camps so we can map and compare villages to influence change.

It’s all part of our mission to improve social outcomes in Australian communities.

Want to find out more about our work in the FIFO space?

Follow FIFO Insider on Instagram and Facebook.
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