The CCA Trust Series – 3 – Interview with Tony McRae

As part of our series on trust and the navigating of a polarised world, we caught up with Chief Executive Officer of JYAC (Jamukurnu-Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation), Tony McRae, for insights into how trust is amplified or diminished within some of the communities with which he works.

The CCA Trust Series – 2 – Trust and Economic Anxiety

Trust shapes all of our relationships, whether personal or corporate. In the second installment of this series on trust by Creating Communities Australia, we consider how economic anxiety is shaping our trust relationship with institutions, government, and business.

The CCA Trust Series – 1 – Introduction

Relationships are predicated on trust. When trust is eroded or leaves the room, uncertainty rises and the foundations of relationship become tentative. Trust changes the way that we work. In low-trust environments, it demands that we involve ourselves in large amounts of non-generative work, while spaces where the shared value of trust is strong set […]

Beyond 30: The road ahead with Donna Shepherd

As our reflection of thirty years of our clients, people and history draw to a close, we found time to chat with Managing Director, Donna Shepherd, to hear her thoughts on the road ahead for Creating Communities.

The next logical step with Allan Tranter

As our reflection of thirty years of our clients, people and history draws to a close, we caught up with Founding Director, Allan Tranter, for his take on the next logical step on the road ahead for Creating Communities.

Our Favourite Events

In our 30 years, we’ve hosted thousands of events that encourage connection, networking and vibrancy in communities. From ABBA Tribute bands to blue tree painting for mental health, community events aren’t just for the community, but our team get to have a lot of fun bringing them to life.