Conversations | 7. Adrian Munro – Finding light in the darkness

Adrian Munro believes there can be one big positive to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. We can develop a new sense of interconnectedness, like we’ve never seen in this country, he says.

Conversations | 7. Adrian Munro – Finding light in the darkness

Adrian Munro believes there can be one big positive to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

We can develop a new sense of interconnectedness, like we’ve never seen in this country, he says.

In an interview for Creating Communities’ Stronger Together series of video conversations, the Richmond Wellbeing chief executive officer says we have to acknowledge the hardship and pain people are experiencing as a result of the pandemic. But Adrian sees this time as providing an opportunity to re-explore how community operates. It is a time when we realise how much we depend on others.

Richmond Wellbeing is a community-based mental health service and Adrian says many of their clients, who are already isolated, are going through added anxiety and stress. For this reason, Richmond is trying to continue face-to-face support meetings, while observing physical distancing guidelines, a situation that adds complexity to the way it does its work.

We’re here for our community, regardless of the challenge, he tells us.

Adrian Munro is chief executive officer of Richmond Wellbeing and an adjunct clinical fellow in the School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science at Curtin University. He worked in a range of primary health services including hospitals, private practice and community health care in aged and disability before moving into the social services sector and mental health.

This interview is part of Creating Communities’ series of video conversations with prominent Australians offering insights and wisdom on coping with the challenges this pandemic presents for all of us. It is a key part of our “Stronger Together” approach to the COVID-19 crisis as we work to bring people and communities together to help each other through this testing time.

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