Conversations | 3. Lynne Craigie – Focus on the here and now

Lynne Craigie has some simple, practical advice to maintain your mental health in a time of uncertainty and isolation for many people.

Conversations | 3. Lynne Craigie – Focus on the here and now

Lynne Craigie has some simple, practical advice to maintain your mental health in a time of uncertainty and isolation for many people.

It is to concentrate on the here and now and try to avoid anxious thoughts about an unknown future. Focus on what you know and the things you can control, Lynne says.

The long-serving Shire of East Pilbara president, who is a psychologist, is the subject of the latest interview in Creating Communities’ Stronger Together series of video conversations. She offers her tips and insights on ways to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting having the right mental attitude is the key.

Working on relationships and keeping your family close will help with the mental struggle, but so will finding practical and productive ways to fill time while much of the bustle and activity around us ceases.

This could be working on projects around the home, taking up new hobbies or putting more time and energy into the kids’ needs.

Lynne Craigie is president of the Shire of East Pilbara, the largest local government in WA by area, with its administrative centre in Newman. She is also the immediate past president of the WA Local Government Association. She has chaired a range of local community groups, including the Pilbara Regional Council, Newman Women’s Shelter, Newman Visitors Centre and the Newman Senior High School board.

This is the third in Creating Communities’ series of video conversations with prominent Australians offering insights and wisdom on coping with the challenges this pandemic presents for all of us. It is a key part of our “Stronger Together” approach to the COVID-19 crisis as we work to bring people and communities together to help each other through this testing time.

Please accept our apologies for the quality of this video.

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