Newman Futures: New economy just transitions

Key Milestone

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Key Milestone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Key Milestone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Building a diverse economy that is inclusive to all.

The Opportunity

With a new economic era emerging in the Pilbara through changing technologies, production patterns and the very nature of work, Creating Communities was engaged to co-design a strategy with diverse stakeholders and Traditional Owners.

The opportunity was to identify strategies that benefitted the whole community in this new landscape of work. What emerged was Newman Futures: an collaborative engagement process of working and walking with the community of Newman to grasp and leverage opportunities and create a vision of what the future of work, training, and life will entail in Newman.

Newman Futures: New economy just transitions


Collective impact outcomes can never be enjoyed without a deep commitment to collaboration from all stakeholders. After all, enjoying positive, sustainable impacts in our communities is never solo work. As a backbone member of Newman Futures, Creating Communities joined with BHP, the Shire of East Pilbara and Newman stakeholders to co-design a strategy for building a sustainable, inclusive economy.

The Newman Futures strategy was launched in November 2019 after more than 600 consultations, meetings and events resulted in broad endorsement of a new way forward. The vision is a diverse economy that is inclusive to all. It was informed by an understanding of the urgent need for action on key issues facing our society, such as climate change, social inequality, and economic instability.

Stakeholders from all sectors and all parts of the community explored how changes in the local economy and to the nature of work could be capitalised on for the benefit of the whole community. Newman Futures has focussed on building stronger relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Australia, recognising the importance of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives in addressing key issues such as climate change, social justice, and economic development.

In co-creating Newman Futures, Creating Communities incorporated each of our models: the 3D Model, the Sociology of Community Model, Intentional Communities Model, Opportunity Model, and the Rope Model. It is indicative of the multi-faceted nature of this vision for Newman that multitude models were activated – discovery, design, delivery, engagement of multiple stakeholders, navigating change, planning, and a growing understanding of the community were all at the heart of the project.

With broad and far-reaching goals, Newman Futures’ approached embraced inclusivity, strategies that would generate educational outcomes, safer communities, greater access to services and an understanding of traditional owners that reflected collaboration, unity, and respect.



Our engagement process resulted in broad agreement to find new ways of working together. The Newman Futures Common Agenda and Roadmap were produced as a result of the engagement process and collaboration to implement the many initiatives is now under way.

Important to the process was the involvement of indigenous partners, the Martu and Nyiyaparli, and listening to the voices of young people in the community.
All parties committed to working together to embrace the opportunities that innovation, technology and disruption present. This commitment is embodied in the statement “Why Not Newman?” that emerged during consultation.

Further, Newman Futures has delivered deep connections within the community through our activation and engagements, safer communities through our co-created Martu Patrol Programs, the ability for traditional owners to remain on country through the Staying at Home and Getting Back Home strategies, a new future in East Newman through the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan.

For more information, please visit:

It is rare that one project so wide-ranging that it incorporates the diversity of our strategic service offerings and each of our models for collaboration and shared value. Newman Futures has been such a project, delivering powerful, diverse and inclusive outcomes that have established a legacy for the future of Newman.

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