We didn’t always look this way!

Brands tell stories – implicitly and explicitly. They reflect the age and stage of an entity; it’s aspirations and intent. And they can serve as a potted history of growth and evolution (not to mention the eras in which they were designed!)

We didn’t always look this way!

Brands tell stories – implicitly and explicitly. They reflect the age and stage of an entity; it’s aspirations and intent. And they can serve as a potted history of growth and evolution (not to mention the eras in which they were designed!)

Creating Communities began as a side hustle of sorts. It shows in the first iteration of the brand – a dated early 90s representation of a fledgling little start up with a clear vision to bring people together (complete with a radial graduation!).

Nearly a decade later, in 2001, we had our first rebrand. It reflected a business that had grown and matured. No longer a couple of people hanging out a shingle, but a robust, confident consultancy. Still driven by the same vision – albeit with dots rather than arrows and reflecting leadership and community through growing influence (and with none of the restrictions of on-line branding!)

And here we are now. We’re all grown up. We’re a logotype! All of us older, some of us greyer, and carrying the confidence of a consultancy that knows the space it strides at the nexus of corporate, community and government. All without losing sight of what began this movement; an unswerving passion to capture the opportunity to move forward together.

As our reflection of thirty years of our clients, people and history draw to a close, we found time to chat with Managing Director, Donna Shepherd, to hear her thoughts on the road ahead for Creating Communities....
As our reflection of thirty years of our clients, people and history draws to a close, we caught up with Founding Director, Allan Tranter, for his take on the next logical step on the road ahead for Creating Communities....
In our 30 years, we’ve hosted thousands of events that encourage connection, networking and vibrancy in communities. From ABBA Tribute bands to blue tree painting for mental health, community events aren’t just for the community, but our team get to have a lot of fun bringing them to life....
Check out a few pictures we dug up from throughout the years....
As our work has developed and evolved over the 30 years, our purpose has stayed the same - we continue to engage people and organisations to find common ground and build social value by discovering community spirit, designing strategies that inspire action and collaboration and delivering change that matters by...
One of the things we attribute to our success as a consultancy is the diversity of the people we employ. There’s a reason we connect so well with communities – it’s the depth and breadth of our experience....