Our Commitment to Culture

Learning about First Nations culture and heritage is not only integral to the work we do, but it is a personal journey for our people who actively seek to learn, listen and acknowledge First Nations people as the Traditional Owners of this land.

Our Commitment to Culture

Learning about First Nations culture and heritage is not only integral to the work we do, but it is a personal journey for our people who actively seek to learn, listen and acknowledge First Nations people as the Traditional Owners of this land.

We are committed to walking together to create communities that reflect our deeply held belief in equality and social equity, which is why we work closely with First Nations peoples to achieve this.

Our commitment is reflected in several ways, it can be seen formally through our Reconciliation Action Plan, which has been endorsed twice by Reconciliation Australia.

Our people take part in annual cultural awareness training each year, learning about Boorloo from Noongar people. This awareness training gives us new insights and a new perspective of the places we live and work in, country that has been walked on thousands of years before settlement.

We employ First Nations advisors to ensure our projects are culturally appropriate and take into consideration the needs and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Our goal isn’t to talk the talk, we want to ensure we follow through on our commitment to building equitable communities by continuing to learn, listen and walk together with First Nations people.

As our reflection of thirty years of our clients, people and history draw to a close, we found time to chat with Managing Director, Donna Shepherd, to hear her thoughts on the road ahead for Creating Communities....
As our reflection of thirty years of our clients, people and history draws to a close, we caught up with Founding Director, Allan Tranter, for his take on the next logical step on the road ahead for Creating Communities....
In our 30 years, we’ve hosted thousands of events that encourage connection, networking and vibrancy in communities. From ABBA Tribute bands to blue tree painting for mental health, community events aren’t just for the community, but our team get to have a lot of fun bringing them to life....
Check out a few pictures we dug up from throughout the years....
As our work has developed and evolved over the 30 years, our purpose has stayed the same - we continue to engage people and organisations to find common ground and build social value by discovering community spirit, designing strategies that inspire action and collaboration and delivering change that matters by...
One of the things we attribute to our success as a consultancy is the diversity of the people we employ. There’s a reason we connect so well with communities – it’s the depth and breadth of our experience....