Woolworths: Fast lane approval

Key Milestone

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Key Milestone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Key Milestone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Retail re-envisioned through community input.

The Opportunity

After a fire destroyed a former Bunnings site in Inglewood, Western Australia in 2018, Woolworths saw an opportunity for a development that could reinvigorate and re-envision the site to align with their new direction of ‘market-style’ retail offerings. Creating Communities was contracted to lead community and stakeholder engagement and create a preferable swift pathway to redevelopment.

Woolworths: Fast lane approval


Consumer culture in the retail sector has evolved significantly over the last decade with an increased demand for community-centred stores and markets.

In approaching the opportunity for Woolworths at Inglewood, Creating Communities followed our 3D Model of engagement. The model embeds systems thinking, anthropology and change theory into projects to enable clients and communities to co-create throughout the discovery, design and delivery phases.

The discovery phase recognised that geographical context provided an opportunity to meet the retail trends reflected in consumer retail patters. The phase integrated market research, trends and the potential benefit of the site to the community.

In concert with Woolworths, the design phase was able to offer the surrounding community a retail option that resonated with their lifestyle and purchasing behaviour.

The delivery phase saw Creating Communities engaging with the community, the enterprise, and the site location to lead stakeholder and engagement and journey towards project approval.



Creating Communities conducted extensive public consultation. Through engagement and the development of strong supporting collateral from our creative team, we conducted a range of engagement activities including one-on-one meetings with the neighbouring community, flyers and brochures and an open night which reflected views from a cross-section of people

The project was the fastest ever development application approval for Woolworths in Australia, after the process showed strong public support.

The successful outcome demonstrated the possibilities created by an intentional process – one which incorporates the prevailing market conditions, the opportunities afforded by the location, and the engagement with all stakeholders.

Creating Communities are our consultants of choice for stakeholder and community engagement, especially for complex projects. Their team has expertise in building positive relationships with local community members and their consultations help to inform the planning and development of our mixed used precincts. Creating Communities’ inclusive approach ensures positive buy-in and support for the retail services and services we seek to deliver in the community.

Alicia Jones, Woolworths State Manager, Property Development, WA

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