For the past 31 years Creating Communities has been uniting community and industry to change the world for the better.
This year we’ve stepped this up, challenging ourselves to find new ways to leverage our knowledge and relationships to grow reach and impact.
A truth that lies at the heart of all our work is that we are better together. We thank you for coming to the table and for your contributions as we unite communities and industry to deliver equitable and sustainable benefits for all. We couldn’t do this without you.
A huge shout out also to our extraordinary team whose heart for community is the fuel that accelerates our work.
Thank you all for joining us on this journey.
CEO, Creating Communities
Innovation has been at the heart of our organisation for three decades, 2023 will be remembered as a year of innovation at scale.
Early in the year, we began building an artificial intelligence product to use generative technology in our work helping us to grow impact and reach. Our new Social 9™ AI-assisted tools gather data to across nine dimensions of community flourishing. The Social 9™ will drive better outcomes for all types of communities, providing deeper insights at scale enabling data driven decision-making for local government, regional planning, FIFO, and much more.
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This year we also launched FIFO Insider™ – an online platform to continue our work with FIFO workers and providers. This platform also carries an AI dimension to drive improvements in the FIFO experience.
Our year was punctuated with innovative work for our clients, which included a water stewardship project for one of our key mining clients. The project delivered vast amounts of information through accessible formats to take the community on the journey. It illustrates the power of our multi-disciplinary approach, combining our engagement and communications nous with new technologies.
The quote from Alice in Wonderland holds a powerful truth:
“(Sometimes) It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”
This year, we welcomed three new directors. Kylie Elsegood Smith, Jessica Barker and Melanie Billig joined Allan Tranter, Donna Shepherd and Andrew Watt. Our new directors lead our strategy, community and creative teams.
We work hard to identify and realise quick wins for communities in our work, so it’s deeply satisfying when a larger audience can enjoy those wins.
Through May and June this year, we drew together a campaign celebrating the diverse, collective impacts of Newman Futures. Under the banner ‘Sustainable, positive impact. Together.’ we highlighted the range of partnerships and initiatives between organisations, stakeholders and community members that have helped grow a diverse, flourishing, inclusive economy.
In November, Creating Communities was proud to share that the First Nations proponents of the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan have been recognised at the Planning Institute of Australia’s State Awards for their exemplary co-design methods to create better outcomes for the East Newman community.
Co-designed by Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation, Jamukurnu Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation and Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service, with the support of Creating Communities and Hames Sharley, the Plan mapped out a path forward to ensure Strong Culture and Strong Families in East Newman.
The East Newman Precinct Structure Plan was the winner of the Planning with Country award and received a High Commendation for Strategic Planning at the PIA WA Awards for Planning Excellence. A third celebration on the night was a Commendation for Planning Excellence for our Stakeholder Engagement on the Shaping Sorrento Plaza project.
Collaboration is at the heart of the work of Creating Communities. We strive to empower people to become change agents in their own communities and organisations.
Highlights during the year included: our collaboration with Pilbara Education Partnership, the new Coolgardie miners collaboration, our ongoing community engagements for the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan, the Martu Patrol Youth Music Project, the launch of our Food Project Pilot in East Newman and many more.
Our brimming roster of land development engagements has helped grow and deepen connections and wellbeing in communities across the Perth metropolitan area. Engagement events at Golden Bay, Brabham Estate, Lakelands, Wellard, Yanchep Estate, Shorehaven Estate, Movida and Elevale were among those that brought community members together in diverse and unique ways.
It was reflected in Social Impact Assessments at Pannawonica and Roxby Downs, in our engagements with UWA, KMS Broome, Onslow School, Monument East in Fremantle, and our East Newman School Holiday program. It was expressed through the delivery of our Newman Futures Sustainability Plan and simple yet profound initiatives such as ear checks at Train Park in East Newman.
2023 carried with it a moment that we believed could unite our nation and create a pathway of recognition and deeper agency for the lives of the Traditional Owners of this nation called Australia.
Our team stepped forward to advocate for First Nations equity and justice. We passionately campaigned ‘yes’ for the Voice Referendum and grieved its defeat. But we’re undaunted. We understand that this road has been long and will be longer. We remain committed to the vision of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Through our work, we are committed to ensuring First Nations’ voices and aspirations are elevated, heard, and acted upon. We’re continuing to walk together.
people involved in land engagement events across the Perth Metropolitan area
hot meals provided to East Newman residents through the East Newman Food Project
organisations regularly participating in Newman Futures collaborative network in 2023
Collaborative working sessions in 2023 as part of Newman Futures
Cultural Compact signatories
total community engagements through the East Newman Activation Program since 2021
events and activations delivered across 13 estates around Perth
healthy meals provided to young people through the East Newman Activation Program since project inception
cups of coffee consumed in the office (estimate only!)
loaves of sourdough baked and consumed in CCA office
The last few years have seen polarisation, disinformation and inequities rise, but we also see communities more committed than ever to come together, help out and build positive futures. Despite the long list of global issues causing unrest in our world, we hope you find joy and peace in your communities this festive season.