Making connections in Canning – Concept

In response to COVID-19, the City of Canning developed the Connect in Canning project to build community resilience, work collaboratively across community services and to encourage acts of kindness in the local community.
Conversations | 9. Jodii Maguire – Coping with loss and anxiety

Many people are feeling anxious about the loss and uncertainty they are going through as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conversations | 5. Allan Tranter – We’re in this together

The threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic is global, but Allan Tranter believes our best response is hyper-local.
Conversations | 4. Griffin Longley – Maintain and reinforce compassion

Nature Play chief executive Griff Longley wants to emphasise that despite the uncertainty in our lives because of the coronavirus pandemic, nature has not been cancelled, and we should still be looking to get outside and enjoy our natural surroundings.
Stronger Together | Creating Communities COVID-19 response

In times like these strong communities are more important than ever.
Neighbourhood Knowledge: Why You Should Map Your Community Assets

Asset Mapping is a positive-focused way of celebrating community resources and connecting individuals, organisations and spaces for collaboration, empowerment and support.
Why Completing a Social Impact Assessment is a Smart Move

Our research experts shed light on Social Impact Assessments.