Social impact intelligence is here.
In 2024 we accelerated lasting social impact.
There are moments that define us and remind us why we are here.
One such moment was the standing ovation for Stanley Watson, Linda Parker, Christina Stone, Olivia Wilson, our team and partners in Melbourne at the PIA 2024 National Awards for Excellence for the Planning with Country award. This award recognised the outstanding achievement in developing the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan.
This event reinforced the extraordinary potential inherent in social value. When communities and corporates unite around a common purpose, it is possible to make change in the world for the better.
The increasing global commitment to social value makes this an exciting time to be in the space.
It’s a privilege to share our 2024 Wrap-up highlighting some of our projects and partnerships.
Make sure you scroll down to check out the new proprietary AI we have developed to exponentially increase our impact in the world.
The Social 9™ is a set of nine foundational domains that define the core individual and interpersonal needs essential for building a thriving community. We use the Social 9™ framework as the backbone to our mixed-method research approach to unlock the complex structure of communities.
FIFO Insider is a survey tool powered by Creating Communities’ proprietary artificial intelligence. It measures the FIFO workforce experience, measuring sentiment and flagging issues requiring attention.
In 2024, Creating Communities launched the FIFO Insider Australian Barometer, a first of its kind national report of the Australian FIFO village experience. Teamed with our FIFO Insider research tool, employers can now benchmark performance and gain insight into the lived experiences of FIFO workers to improve workforce wellbeing and transform FIFO villages into thriving communities.
In 2024, Creating Communities was recognised at the Planning Institute of Australia’s National Awards for Excellence alongside Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation, Jamukurnu Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation and Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service, with the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan (ENPSP) taking out the Planning with Country category.
Praised as a stellar example of community-led First Nations planning, the judges said the community plan set a standard for other states to follow. Our team accompanied Nyiyaparli and Martu in Melbourne to accept the award, while supporting advocacy meetings to continue sharing the story of East Newman.
Creating Communities continues to support Nyiyaparli and Martu as the backbone organisation of Newman Futures, facilitating the implementation of the ENPSP.
Our continued partnership with the Ngaanyatjarra Council Group reached a significant milestone in 2024 with the release of the co-created Ngurra Rapa, Jukurrpa Rapa (Strong Homes, Strong Stories) Community Plans. These plans represent the ideas of Yarnangu (Ngaanyatjarra people) from across the Ngaanyatjarra Lands, providing direction to create lasting, positive impact.
2024 also saw the first ten employment contracts signed through the new ‘STRONG’ Community Development Program. This program was co-designed with Creating Communities in partnership with the Ngaanyatjarra Council Group, Yarnangu and the National Indigenous Australian Agency.
These initiatives aim to empower Yarnangu to move forward walk forward with agency, purpose and self-determination.
In 2024 we built strategies for the transition from carbon intensive industries to renewable energy across in Australia and beyond.
The strategies were informed by on-the-ground engagement with communities and stakeholders exploring local context, future needs and international best practice.
Creating Communities reconnected with Millars Landing at a BBQ. The event sparked a “Community Treasure Chest” initiative resulting in free yoga sessions, a walking group, and kids’ playgroups; fostering connection and sense of belonging.
In April and July, Creating Communities partnered with Ngaanyatjarra Council to deliver four weeks of youth programs in Warburton, securing $50,000+ in funding and uniting nine stakeholders. Over 44 sessions, they provided meals, engaged 938 times with youth, and supported the Ngaanyatjarra Ngurra-Rapa Community Plans, fostering stronger connections and opportunities.
Our communications team continue to explore and grow their capacity to deliver meaningful narratives across a range of mediums, to turn social impact efforts into collective movements that drive lasting change.
In 2024, Creating Communities embarked on a collaborative journey with the Ngaanyatjarra Council to develop and deliver a communications strategy that ensures 65,000 years of stories could continue to be told in modern ways, building positive narratives, community pride and establishing strong support for the Council’s vision and mission.
A complete brand refresh was informed by extensive community engagement, incorporating 21 artworks from Yarnangu artists from across the Lands, to better reflect Yarnangu and their connection to Tjukurrpa. This new brand brings visual clarity and consistency to the Council, symbolising a new era that truly represents the spirit of the Lands.
Through meaningful community engagement, we developed new brands for three schools across Western Australia, ensuring they reflect each community’s unique aspirations and values.
By bringing the community along on the journey, we achieved a more strategic and personalised outcome that authentically represents each school and its community.
Our team were tasked with redesigning 26 wayfinding maps for a total of 26 FIFO villages across Western Australia. These maps help both new and current employees navigate their surroundings, highlighting key facilities, walking trails, and amenities to enhance their overall village experience.
Amid growing levels of mistrust and media dominated by negative headlines, we must remind ourselves of humanity’s capacity for greatness. By highlighting 2024’s global achievements toward a more just, sustainable, and equitable future, we inspire resilience, motivate action, and remind us all of the power of a shared vision to drive progress.